About MS Word Window 1

         Hello friends;It's me again.Today I'm going to discuss about the window and the tool bar of MS Word.Lets have a look
at the picture.On my last post,I showed you guys how does MS Word window looks and toady I'm going to describe about those.So,lets get started..
TITLE BAR:   At the top of the window where we can see written Microsoft word is called the title bar. If we open a blank file or a saved Ms word file,we can see it's title at the title bar.At the left of the title bar we can see the control box and at the right corner we can find three buttons and they are Minimise,Maximise and close.We can find same options in the control box including a few more options.
MENU BAR:   The bar below Title bar where we can find File,Edit,View,Insert etc,is called Menu bar.Each of the words file,edit,view are Menus.there are many commands inside each of the menus.To open a menu,U just have to click them.If you don't want to use Mouse just press Alt + (the underlined letter).As example,If you wanna open File you will find the F underlined.Press Alt+ F and the file menu will be opened.We can do different types of options inside the menus and I'll describe about those later.
TOOL BAR:   There are many tool bars in MS word.We can find standard tool bar and formatting tool bar given as default.If you need more just go to menu bar and click view and select tool bars.In there, you will find various types of tool bars.Simply click the one you need.
SELECT BROWS OBJECT:  At the below of vertical scrollbar we can find an option called Select Brows Object. It's one of the important features of MS Word 2003.We can brows according to our needs using this option.Just click the round shaped icon then select the object you want to brows.As example,You want to brows the tables of large MS Word file of 1000 pages. No need to worry,Just select brows by table form that options and you will find the tables one by one.There are many use of this option.You will know it yourself using MS Word.
     This is all for today.I'll continue on my next post,Till then Good bye...

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