Installation 2

Sorry friends,I forgot to say about Minimal and Custom installation.In this post I'm gonna share abut those types of Installation.

Minimal Installation:   This type of installation should be used for those people who has low space at their hard disk.Using this type of installation you will get only minimal components of MS Office .

Custom Installation:  As I said before,MS Office is a package program. There are not only MS word but also MS excel , MS PowerPoint,MS Outlook,MS Publisher, MS Access , MS Infopath .If u don't need all of those components you can go through custom Installation. Click the Custom Install Radio button then click next..

After clicking next,You will find a window like below.From there you can select what you want to install .If you select all of them,all the components of the package will be installed or you can select only those you want.
 That's all for today.I think you guys got something from my installation blogs.Stay tuned with my blogs and have fun ☻☻☻☻☻

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